Obsidian Conflict Bugtracker - Obsidian Conflict
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0000002Obsidian Conflict(No Category)public07.02.2010 23:4927.07.2010 16:48
major rework< 1 week 
0000002: Steam Browser Protocol
Make use of steam browser protocol.
http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Steam_browser_protocol [^]
to make by example some add to friends (steam) from the scoreboard and or show profile.

Also other things are possible, like install a game, delete, or open a web page.
example (same as the valve wiki, little bit edited):
 steam://friends/ [^]
    Opens Friends. These sub-commands are accepted:

    steam://friends/add/<id> [^]
        Adds user with specified id number
    steam://friends/players [^]
        Shows list of users with whom you recently played
    steam://friends/joinchat/<id> [^]
        Joins a chat with a specified id number
    steam://friends/message/<id> [^]
        Send a message

 steam://install/<id> [^]
    Installs an application.

        * Example: steam://install/8230 [^] installs Sam & Max: Episode 4.
(the install and preload option, can be used sometime to install a game, without buying it (you can't play it))
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