Obsidian Conflict Bugtracker

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000137Obsidian Conflict[All Projects] Feature-Requestpublic13.07.2012 17:2013.07.2012 17:20
ReporterMaestro Fenix 
Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityfeatureReproducibilityunable to reproduce
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version0.1.3.5Product Build 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0000137: Entity which takes origin of the target and uses it to override the origin of the subject
DescriptionThe entity would allow to the mappers "parent" static entities (such as npcs) to mobile entities, giving more options of creativity to the mappers.

For example, it would allow parent a npc_combine_camera to a npc_helicopter (the first is fixed, so you cant parent with it, or the mobile entity will not able to move).

Also, it can be used in the mapadds, because for example it could allow fix the spawnzones in HL:S

This request is inspirated in the trigger_setorigin entity of Sven Co-op:
http://www.svencoop.com/entityguide/entity.php?entityinfo=trigger_setorigin [^]
Steps To ReproduceThe entity would work at the following flow:

When is called to work, the entity would get the origin coordinates of the target entity (a brush, a npc or a prop, doesnt matter), and then, it would transfer to the subject entity, which their origins would be overrided by the origins of the targeted entity, moving with it.
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