Obsidian Conflict Bugtracker

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000155Obsidian Conflict[All Projects] Feature-Requestpublic13.01.2013 15:4431.01.2013 21:58
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PrioritylowSeveritytweakReproducibilityunable to reproduce
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Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0000155: Add a console command to toggle bullet damage on npc_helicopter
DescriptionEven tought only RPGs and airboats guns are able to take them down, I always liked to shoot at these with an ar2 or various other weapons that do nothing against them. It would be cool if there was a console command that let's you damage the helicopter with basic weapons like the OICW, and developers could use it for their maps.
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Maestro Fenix (developer)
31.01.2013 21:58

npc_helicopter has a flag to make him vulnerable to bullets. Although a command console could be useful.

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