Obsidian Conflict Bugtracker

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000170Obsidian Conflict[All Projects] Bug-Reportpublic04.06.2013 19:1704.06.2013 19:17
ReporterMaestro Fenix 
Assigned To 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version0.1.3.5Product Build 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0000170: ambient_generic dynamic presets makes loop the sound
DescriptionFor some unknown reasons, if you set a ambient_generic have a dynamic preset, it start to loop, even if you have the flag "Is not looped" checked.

Some presets, like the "machine" types, will only loop three times the sound, and then it will stop. It doesn´t stop if you unchecked the flag.

The rest of presets will make loop the sound regarless if you checked the loop flag or not. Some of those presets will go out of control making any kind of noises until it just make stop the sound.
Steps To ReproducePut an ambient_generic on your map.

Set a dynamic preset on the list.

Call it to play/toggle.
Additional InformationChecked both on 1.35 and SVN.
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