Obsidian Conflict Bugtracker

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000026Obsidian Conflict[All Projects] Bug-Reportpublic10.07.2010 13:1414.12.2011 15:25
Assigned ToTESLA-X4 
Projectionminor fixETAnone 
PlatformWindows 7OSOS Version
Product Version0.1.3.5Product Build 
Target Version0.1.3.6Fixed in Version0.1.3.6 
Summary0000026: Give Points window text doesn't fit in the dialog
DescriptionThe give points dialog's text doesn't fit in the window, resulting in only "Please enter the amount of p-" showing up. A minor issue, just lower the font size.
Steps To ReproduceOpen the Give Points dialog.
Additional InformationThis always happens. I am running on 1600x1200 resolution also.
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Filesjpg file icon oc_lobby0001.jpg [^] (437,311 bytes) 04.08.2010 08:16

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User avatar (0000022)
neico (administrator)
27.07.2010 16:29

how about a screenshot?
Contron123 (reporter)
04.08.2010 08:16

Lol, why didn't I include one before. My bad:

http://www.uploadffs.nl/images/oclobby000.jpg [^]
User avatar (0000032)
neico (administrator)
28.09.2010 19:54

tested it on some 4:3 resolutions and it seems that it's only on those, no idea how to fix it

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