Obsidian Conflict Bugtracker

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000106Obsidian Conflict[All Projects] Bug-Reportpublic10.01.2012 23:3926.01.2012 03:59
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PlatformN/AOSN/AOS VersionN/A
Product Version0.1.3.5Product Build 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0000106: Garguanta makes a plastic / plaster sound when hit
DescriptionWhen you hit a Gargantua it makes a plastic / plaster sound, why not have a ricochet sound play like in hl1? or at least make the sound metal.
Steps To ReproduceHit a garg with a crowbar.
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Maestro Fenix (developer)
11.01.2012 20:19

Unless it got overwritten in the .qc file when <insert name> compiled the model, i dont know. The VMTs of the model are set to Alien Flesh, although i dont know if this should be correct (one thing is sure, Alien Grunts and Vorts sounds as a flesh).
dominichax (reporter)
26.01.2012 03:59

Hmm, thanks Maestro Fenix, it's not a big deal anyways.

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