Obsidian Conflict Bugtracker

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000110Obsidian Conflict[All Projects] Feature-Requestpublic26.01.2012 04:2817.03.2012 23:35
Assigned ToTESLA-X4 
PlatformOSWindows 7OS VersionLatest
Product Version0.1.3.5Product Build 
Target Version0.1.3.6Fixed in Version 
Summary0000110: Healing someone should also give you health back.
DescriptionIf you are healing your team mate you should also receive health in return. It encourages more team work, players will stop to health other team mates even when the other team mate does not heal them back, they will at least get some health back. This should only apply to Left click healing and not for dropping health kits on the floor with right click.
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User avatar (0000194)
TESLA-X4 (developer)
26.01.2012 09:51

That's an interesting idea, I'll see if it can be added.
Rei (reporter)
17.03.2012 23:35

Yes Please !

- Healing somebody should give you health
- leftclick healing should perform a bit faster
- rightclick could revive a player for 50 ammo (players should stay dead for 10 sec after dying)
- healing may also give score (decrease score per damage for balance reasons)

or in 1 simple sentence: make it work like in Svencoop ;) why shouldnt we learn from others developing

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