Obsidian Conflict Bugtracker

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000113Obsidian Conflict[All Projects] Feature-Requestpublic13.02.2012 05:3214.03.2012 16:50
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PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version0.1.3.5Product Build 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0000113: new server var: sv_scoredistribution 0.4
Descriptionshares collected money / gained score between all players to improve teamplay aspects and help weaker players and "healers".

distributes score in the following way:

sv_scoredistribution 0.0 -- OFF, score system as usual
sv_scoredistribution 0.4 -- (default) 40% of score distributed to others
sv_scoredistribution 1.0 -- balanced/symmetrical distribution (special mode)

example: 3 players (sv_scoredistribution 0.4)
$100 picked up by one player
- triggering player gets $60
- other 2 players get $20 each

example: 3 players (sv_scoredistribution 1.0)
$100 picked up by one player
- everybody gets $33

just an idea :)
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Rei (reporter)
14.03.2012 16:50

does anybody care ? ^^

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