Obsidian Conflict Bugtracker

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000047Obsidian Conflict[All Projects] Bug-Reportpublic22.11.2010 13:4719.05.2012 15:21
ReporterMaestro Fenix 
Assigned ToW0rf0x 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version0.1.3.5Product Build 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0000047: I can jump off the mountain of the begining of EP2 without die and no physics damage.
DescriptionIn the first chapter of Episode Two, in the begining of the game, just after the portal storm and enter in the mine, i can jump off the mountain and walk in the floor of under, reaching to the skybox. Normally, when you jump off, automatically you die.

Also, i don´t know why, i´m was inmune to physics damage (like stones falling in your head).
Additional InformationI´m the only player that suffered the bug. The other player dies when jump off and when he recives heavy physic damage
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Attached Filesjpg file icon hl2 2010-11-21 17-04-30-29.jpg [^] (146,835 bytes) 22.11.2010 13:47

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anonym (viewer)
31.03.2011 02:31

Yeah, there is definitely a way to get outside of the map here. One of the ways, if falling off will kill you (which it does in most situations/servers), is to hop on the trees, slide across the cliff, and hop down.

That will work on any server, and, tada, you're out of the map.

Not too useful though (this also works in EP2)
User avatar (0000076)
neico (administrator)
31.03.2011 04:39

stop reporting bugs about the campaigns already...

to repeat the 1.35 news post: "valve broke the entire campaign with their upgrade to a newer engine, we're going to fix that for the next version"

If I see any more of this I'll delete it without further notice regardless if it's here or on the forums

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