Obsidian Conflict Bugtracker

Obsidian Conflict - Roadmap

Obsidian Conflict - SVN (Scheduled For Release 01.01.1970) View Issues ]
- 0000164: [Bug-Report] Antlionguard attacking Strider causes Strider to float - new.
- 0000148: [Feature-Request] player_loadsaved should actually reload the current map - new.
- 0000146: [Feature-Request] mp_ammostay to prevent players from picking up ammo for weapons they do not have - new.
- 0000145: [Feature-Request] mp_weaponpickup to allow weapons/items/ammo to only be picked up with +use - new.
- 0000144: [Feature-Request] mp_weaponstay 2 mode - new.
- 0000150: [Bug-Report] Gargantua is quite vulnerable to physic attacks - acknowledged.
- 0000149: [Bug-Report] Not being able to exit vehicles after entering them - acknowledged.
- 0000032: Dynamic SteamID checks for donators/mod-banned people - acknowledged.
- 0000002: Steam Browser Protocol (neico) - acknowledged.
- 0000142: [Bug-Report] Metrocops not using func_tank properly - confirmed.
- 0000100: [Bug-Report] Load a map (the same or different) using "create a game" option makes freeze the game (neico) - assigned.
- 0000025: [General] Linux Binary Build (neico) - assigned.
- 0000067: [Bug-Report] Fix Mixed Case Folder / Filenames for Linux (SVN) - assigned.

0 of 13 issue(s) resolved. Progress (0%).

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