- 0000162: [Feature-Request] Flag for env_shooter to have burning gibs with no fire sound - new. - 0000161: [Bug-Report] env_shooter "gibgravityscale" keyvalue having no effect - new. - 0000129: [Feature-Request] Option to prevent npc_helicopter from colliding with other helicopters - new. - 0000130: [Bug-Report] npc_furniture pushing and/or gibing players - new. - 0000009: HL2 EP1 Grav Gun Spam (W0rf0x) - acknowledged. - 0000147: [Bug-Report] Revisiting maps through transitions breaks npc_makers (neico) - assigned. - 0000052: Viewmodel fire animations not playing properly (neico) - assigned. - 0000062: [Feature-Request] Add/fix/improve custom weapon scripts to add more types of weapons and effects. - assigned. - 0000069: [Feature-Request] NPC that attaches itself to players - assigned. - 0000110: [Feature-Request] Healing someone should also give you health back. (TESLA-X4) - assigned. - 0000066: [Feature-Request] Proper OICW weapon (z33ky) - assigned. - 0000033: npc_zombine not accepting custom models (neico) - assigned. - 0000056: [Bug-Report] ATI Graphics Bug (neico) - resolved. - 0000167: [Feature-Request] AI Perception Behavior Enhancement (TESLA-X4) - resolved. - 0000006: [Bug-Report] Assassin AI is buggy (neico) - resolved. - 0000143: [Bug-Report] APC-fired rockets do not seem to have an owner (neico) - resolved. - 0000133: [Bug-Report] "Show health on HUD" func_breakable flag doesnt work (neico) - resolved. - 0000138: [Bug-Report] mp_weaponstay 1 prevents picking up additional grenade type weapons for ammunition (TESLA-X4) - resolved. - 0000140: [Bug-Report] mp_weaponstay 1 prevents multiple scripted weapon pickups (TESLA-X4) - resolved. - 0000109: [Bug-Report] S.L.A.M. exploit that may be used to grief other players (TESLA-X4) - resolved. - 0000041: [Feature-Request] Players should drop backpacks upon death (TESLA-X4) - resolved. - 0000020: [Bug-Report] Inability to unscope during scripted weapon reload (TESLA-X4) - resolved. - 0000058: [Bug-Report] ar2 altfire + npc_vortigaunt don't fire output OnDeath (z33ky) - resolved. - 0000126: [Feature-Request] Point_vehiclespawn options to let player-spawned vehicles spawn with specified keyvalues (TESLA-X4) - resolved. - 0000012: [Bug-Report] OICW has an ironsight (W0rf0x) - resolved. - 0000018: [General] VTFs that weren't removed (W0rf0x) - resolved. - 0000135: [Bug-Report] Checkered texture in motd panel scrollbar. (TESLA-X4) - resolved. - 0000042: [Feature-Request] oc_lobby sending Text to All (TESLA-X4) - resolved. - 0000010: [Feature-Request] Addon system and skins (neico) - resolved. - 0000127: [Feature-Request] Add 'TouchTest' input to point_trigger-derived entities (TESLA-X4) - resolved. - 0000122: [Bug-Report] Rockets fired by npc_launcher do not clean up their flight sounds properly (TESLA-X4) - resolved. - 0000037: [Feature-Request] flag to invert point_teleport radius (TESLA-X4) - resolved. - 0000107: [Bug-Report] Definition of some inputs of the npc_grunt are interchanged (in "Entity Help") (TESLA-X4) - resolved. - 0000098: [Feature-Request] Improve item_healthcharger and func_healthcharger (TESLA-X4) - resolved. - 0000123: [Feature-Request] An entity to check for playercounts in multiple areas (TESLA-X4) - resolved. - 0000044: [Bug-Report] Dedicated Server mounting (TESLA-X4) - resolved. - 0000111: [Bug-Report] changelevel bug (TESLA-X4) - resolved. - 0000085: [Bug-Report] "My Items" unusable after level change (TESLA-X4) - resolved. - 0000119: [Bug-Report] Turret sound plays for ever (TESLA-X4) - resolved. - 0000116: [Bug-Report] Using a color in the hud makes the quick view disappear of the crosshair (TESLA-X4) - resolved. - 0000108: [Bug-Report] Trigger a object with info_waypoint parented in a trigger_once_oc makes crash the mod (TESLA-X4) - resolved. - 0000015: [Bug-Report] Crash after starting (TESLA-X4) - resolved. - 0000076: [Feature-Request] Flag/ keyvalue to disable god/notarget in point_viewcontrol (TESLA-X4) - resolved. - 0000080: [Bug-Report] "Fire underwater" option doesnt work for the scripted weapons (TESLA-X4) - resolved. - 0000074: [Bug-Report] Buggy gets always running when you die (TESLA-X4) - resolved. - 0000026: [Bug-Report] Give Points window text doesn't fit in the dialog (TESLA-X4) - resolved. - 0000022: [Bug-Report] func_tank output not firing (TESLA-X4) - resolved. - 0000102: [Bug-Report] Physics Issue (W0rf0x) - resolved. - 0000045: [Feature-Request] Improvements/fixes for env_projectedtexture (TESLA-X4) - resolved. - 0000083: [Bug-Report] point_viewcontrol does not force unscopes when activated (TESLA-X4) - resolved. - 0000038: [Bug-Report] Bugs related to player nocollide (TESLA-X4) - resolved. - 0000043: [Feature-Request] Dynamic Crossbow Scope (TESLA-X4) - resolved. - 0000093: [Bug-Report] sk_plr_num_shotgun_pellets does not seem to have an effect. (TESLA-X4) - resolved. - 0000078: [Bug-Report] oc_harvest - Prop and Bucket Glitching (TESLA-X4) - resolved. - 0000084: [Bug-Report] Vortigaunts cant hurt you if you use certain weapons (TESLA-X4) - resolved. - 0000036: [Bug-Report] Ways around telefragging (TESLA-X4) - resolved. - 0000011: [Bug-Report] Weapons without ironsights, when you press the ironsights key, makes your cross hair disappear (TESLA-X4) - resolved. - 0000072: [Feature-Request] "FadeForActivatorOnly" Input for env_fade (TESLA-X4) - resolved. - 0000030: Unable to pick up previously submerged dropped ammo. (mmavipc) - resolved. - 0000029: Weapons respawn at incorrect locations on certain maps (mmavipc) - resolved. - 0000049: Sometimes Rocket launcher hits team mate which hurts you. (mmavipc) - resolved. - 0000031: RPG and Tau cannon ammo bug (mmavipc) - resolved. - 0000017: Crossbow crash on shooting gibs (mmavipc) - resolved. - 0000035: Manhack killing defender crash the game. (mmavipc) - resolved. - 0000061: Keyvalue/flag to disable a NPC's information showing up on HUD (mmavipc) - resolved. - 0000019: Cardwar bug (Tysn) - resolved. - 0000021: ch_createvehicle (neico) - resolved. - 0000034: Option to disable npc_zombine pulling grenades (neico) - resolved. - 0000039: Changing game over behaviour in lives mode (neico) - resolved. - 0000040: "GiveLivesToDeadPlayers" input for game_lives_manager (neico) - resolved. - 0000008: oc_harvest night kill bug (Tysn) - resolved. - 0000024: More php commands for MOTD (neico) - resolved. - 0000023: Crosshair turns dark blue when FOV is 90 or greater (neico) - resolved. - 0000141: [Bug-Report] Can't unscope while reloading (TESLA-X4) - closed. - 0000005: [Bug-Report] broken escape 2a crash (W0rf0x) - closed. - 0000059: please upgrade mapadd system (neico) - closed.
64 of 76 issue(s) resolved. Progress (84%). Obsidian Conflict - SVN (Scheduled For Release 01.01.1970) [ View Issues ] ==========================================================
- 0000164: [Bug-Report] Antlionguard attacking Strider causes Strider to float - new. - 0000148: [Feature-Request] player_loadsaved should actually reload the current map - new. - 0000146: [Feature-Request] mp_ammostay to prevent players from picking up ammo for weapons they do not have - new. - 0000145: [Feature-Request] mp_weaponpickup to allow weapons/items/ammo to only be picked up with +use - new. - 0000144: [Feature-Request] mp_weaponstay 2 mode - new. - 0000150: [Bug-Report] Gargantua is quite vulnerable to physic attacks - acknowledged. - 0000149: [Bug-Report] Not being able to exit vehicles after entering them - acknowledged. - 0000032: Dynamic SteamID checks for donators/mod-banned people - acknowledged. - 0000002: Steam Browser Protocol (neico) - acknowledged. - 0000142: [Bug-Report] Metrocops not using func_tank properly - confirmed. - 0000100: [Bug-Report] Load a map (the same or different) using "create a game" option makes freeze the game (neico) - assigned. - 0000025: [General] Linux Binary Build (neico) - assigned. - 0000067: [Bug-Report] Fix Mixed Case Folder / Filenames for Linux (SVN) - assigned.